Symposium Coordinator for Cost of Freedom Forum 2014

CostFreedomFlyerFor Veterans’ Day 2014, I provided the leadership for Millersville University’s “Cost of Freedom Forum” — a day-long,  free and open to the public event that featured several speakers who discussed different ways that military service affects health and wellness.  The program also included several events to honor military veterans and students for their service.

In order to offer this campus-wide event, I successfully secured funding from a variety of sources including the: 1) William A Dinges, JD ’65 Endowed Veterans Scholarship Fund, 2) Women’s Issues Endowment, 3) University Theme Committee, 4) Millersville University Student Veterans Association, 5) Department of Wellness & Sport Sciences, 6) School of Education Dean’s office, 7) Center for Civic and Community Engagement, 8) and the Office of Alumni Engagement

University President Dr. John M. Anderson gave remarks during both the Presentation of Colors and at the Veterans’ Day Luncheon.

Following the Presentation of Colors ceremony and playing of the national anthem under the SMC Clock Tower, the program was moved indoors where Dr. Ron Frankum, professor of history delivered the opening keynote address: “Heart of Gold” during a luncheon hosted on behalf of the Millersville University Student Veterans Association.

Dr. Frankum is the author of six books on the Vietnam War on such subjects as the air war, Australian-US diplomacy, the role of the US Navy, and the rule of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam from 1955-1963.  His noontime talk discussed a little known United States Navy operation called “Passage to Freedom” that occurred in 1954-1955.   The operation was one of the largest humanitarian sea-lifts in history,  helping to move over 310,000 Vietnamese from North Vietnam to South Vietnam.  In examining this operation, Frankum shared with the audience that the American sailors (through their interactions with the Vietnamese people who were in a desperate state)  responded with a “Heart of Gold.”  He explored how this event was not an aberration of the role of the soldier in dealing with civilians, but rather a model by which the United States military performed such duties in the 20th Century.

In the afternoon, licensed psychologist Dr. Kristine Sudol, PTSD Clinical Team Director at the Coatesville VA Medical Center gave a highly engaging lecture and led discussions regarding “The Evolving Role of Women in the Military” hosted by Dr. Tracey Weis’s History 201 course: “Women in US History.”

The Student Veterans Association hosted an open house and tour of the Veterans Resource Center located in Mercer House.

The closing keynote address: “Cost of Freedom,” was presented by Brigadier General (Ret.) Jerry G. Beck, Jr. ’75, who currently serves as Deputy Adjutant General for the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.  A networking reception was held for friends and former classmates prior to the closing keynote/discussion.

Cost of Freedom NewspaperTo read more about other Veterans’ Day forums that I have coordinated go to:

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