Professional Development courses in School Health and Wellness

In addition to my regular teaching load, I teach several online professional-development graduate courses in School Health and Wellness during the calendar year.

Each of these continuing education courses are designed to meet the needs of teachers, nurses, counselors and others who serve on Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) teams, school wellness councils and/or school safety committees.  Participants earn 3 graduate credits from Millersville University for passing each course with a 80% or better.

Pass the word if you know someone who might benefit from enrolling in one of these professional development courses described below!

Click the PDF document to read an overview of all courses and when classes are offered:  1). Emergency Readiness.PDF 2). Preventing Childhood Obesity.PDF  3). Eating Disorders.PDF  4). Human Sexuality & HIV/AIDS.PDF  5). Adolescent Substance Abuse.PDF  6). Respiratory Health.PDF

… click to enlarge one of the flyers:

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