Long History of Service at many Levels

My service work has been varied and diverse, and has allowed me to gain exposure to what was going on at the global, national, state and local levels as well as work on numerous committees at the department, school and university levels.

I take great pride in my long history of service over my career on behalf of the colleges and universities where I have been employed; to the communities where I have lived and traveled, and to my professional organizations.  Often this work was done to meet the ever-changing needs of the students, but more importantly, my service has made a positive impact on countless individuals by helping students be successful.

Whether it be hatching an innovative vision like the dual degree program with another department on campus, let alone a different university and then shepherding that curriculum through various stages to gain full approval and implementation in 2.5 years, or leading two state-wide wellness institutes with colleagues that included internationally recognized speakers, or whether it be gaining initial national accreditation with no non-compliance items for an academic major or serving as the department chairperson for 9 full-time faculty, 8 adjunct and over 200 majors, or opening up a conversation about the Vietnam War to a new generation and the moral obligations a society has to its returning warriors—my service work has always incorporated big ideas and inspiring others.

I have served on the campus-wide General Education Review Committee (GERC) at Millersville University for three years, the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (ASC) for two years, and been on multiple search committees and 5-Year Program Review Committees.  Additionally, I serve on the Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) which is a group of very committed faculty members along with the campus physician who interview students and offer advice to those pursuing careers in the health professions (most notably medical, dental, and veterinary school).  I also serve on the Millersville University Alcohol and Other Drug Steering Committee, which is made-up of individuals who represent a wide swatch of the campus such as the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Athletic Director, the Director of Housing to name a few.

On the national level, I have completed thirteen (13) different national accreditation on-site visits and committee reports in thirteen (13) different states for the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and served as the Room Captain for the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Certification Exam (BOC).

Locally, I extend my multicultural and social justice interests into the community as a member of the Dongeal Presbytery’s Peace, Justice and Care of Creation (PJCC) committee which exists to help churches expand their outreach by providing information and resources; and encouraging congregations to pursue mission activities related to hunger prevention, justice and peacemaking.

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