Sistahs & Sisters: Black Women, White Women colloquium

M. Cookie Newsom, Ph.D. is the Director of Diversity Education and Assessment at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.   In September 2008 I arranged to bring Dr. Newsom to campus to share her contributions and expertise with the campus community as part of a day long colloquium.

In my role, I secured funding from various departments and organized for her luncheon talk, classroom visits and evening lecture in the Lehr room at Bolger Conference Center that was attended by approximately 275 people.

Dr. Newsom’s visit included guest teaching to the students in AFAM 201: Intro to African-American Studies course in Byerly Hall room 125 as well as a luncheon and a dinner for invited guests including invitations to Women’s Studies faculty.

The sponsors for the event were the African American Studies Program, Frederick Douglass Black Culture Celebration, School of Education, and the Department of Wellness and Sport Science, and the support form the Office of Social Equity and Diversity.   Click to open the flyer: Sistahs & Sisters lecture flyer.PDF  Click here to open the PowerPoint presentation: Sistahs and Sisters PowerPoint.PDF

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